Domestic transport
We provide transport services for companies and provide professional advice in the field of planning, transport and loading of goods. We have been operating on the domestic market for years, reaching every region of Poland. Thorough knowledge of routes and transport conditions allows us to choose the optimal means of transport tailored to the needs and financial capabilities of the client.
Domestic transport services
We deal with the transport of volumetric cargo. We perfectly know the needs of our clients and we are able to develop a satisfactory model of work. We independently select the optimal means of transport based on the guidelines received from the client. We know Polish roads from the inside out, so we will precisely define the time of delivery of the goods - we do not allow the possibility of delays and generating additional costs.
Our transport vehicles - reliable and safe
We have a modern and reliable transport fleet of over 50 Road Trains. All our vehicles are adapted to the transport of various types of bulk cargo, the weight of which does not exceed 24 t. We comply with the strict EU guidelines regarding Euro 6 exhaust gas standards - ecology is our priority.